
Our Vision

All men, Women and Youth employed under HTS-Union jurisdiction in Uganda working under Decent Work environment.

Our Mission

To fully organize and represent workers employed under HTS-Union jurisdiction to have their social-economic rights and interests well-articulated, advanced, advocated, promoted, protected and defended by the Union in accordance to the existing legal framework.

Stategic Goal

To improve the Union functional capacity to undertake its mandate to full potential by end of 2026.

Message From
The General Secretary

HTS-Union General Information Pack, also referred to as “ HTS-Union at a glance” has been authored to provide general information about HTS-Union with an overview/insight of the main aspects and functionality of the Uganda Hotels, Food, Tourism, Supermarkets & Allied Workers’ Union (HTS-Union). The General Information Pack has been developed to make it easy for members, all stakeholders and the public to have general knowledge about HTS-Union.
I take this opportunity to greatly appreciate HTS-Union Secretariat and the National Executive Council members for their efforts towards the process to produce this Edition and the commitment to the workers’ cause in all aspects. All others including the graphic designer, Mr. Kasobya Paul of Bakham Enterprises are appreciated for their good work towards the production of this booklet. Cognisant that Labour Unions work in a tripatite partnership with government and employers using the Social Dialogue principle

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Our Strategic


To organize, recruit, raise awareness of stakeholders for sustainable union membership recovery and informative systems enhancement.


Promote good governance, employment creation, improve finance resource base and infrastructure development for sustainable growth


To promote social dialogue and just-transition for compliance, improved standards and competitiveness


To strengthen strategic alliances with local and international likeminded organisations for improved union viability and solidarity

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what we do
Union Programs and activities

The Union programs and activities shown below


Uganda is a law abiding state which has ratified many international standards e.g. ILO conventions, treaties and domesticated them by enacting local laws including labour Laws. An employer to be considered law abiding and compliant should among other things allow workers to exercise their freedom of association by joining a labour union of their choice, right to representation and collective bargaining as stipulated under article 29(1) and 40(3) of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1995 as amended 2018.

List of Our
Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
Uganda Red Cross

The Union was formed for the main purpose and/or function of advancing, advocating, promoting, defending and protecting the social-economic interests of the workers in the sector of jurisdiction.

IndustriALL Global
Union Network International (UNI)
World Federation of Trade Unions
International Domestic Worker’s Federation
Internationa lUnion ofAgricultural
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