
Hts Union
Brief History of HTS Union

HTS-Union was formed in 1957 at Lake Victoria Hotel Entebbe and first registered in 1959 as Trade Union No. 2 under its first name, Uganda Hotels and Domestic Workers’ Union that has evolved to its current name as mentoined above. The Union was formed for the main purpose and/or function of advancing, advocating, promoting, defending and protecting the social-economic interests of the workers in the sector of jurisdiction. Indeed tens of thousands of HTS-Union members have and continue to benefit from the Union Collective Agreements (CBAs) over the years. To date HTS-Union continues to represent workers of its prescribed sector of jurisdiction.

Aims and Objectives: The Union was formed for the following aims and objectives:

  • To regulate wages and work conditions of its members and generally to protect the interests of the members
  • To regulate the relations and settle disputes between a member(s) and an employer(s) or between a member and another or between members themselves and other workers who are not Union members by means of amicable agreement whenever possible.
  • To provide for the members any benefits as the organs of the Union may determine from time to time.
  • To promote social economic interests and educational programmes of the members
  • To promote and encourage establishment of savings and credit cooperative societies, either at branch or National level as may be decided upon by relevant organs of the Union.
  • To promote, aid and encourage viable economic projects to improve and strengthen the Union financial base.
  • To establish and maintain funds by means of entrance fees, voluntary contribution, subscription, levies and by borrowing on such security and such terms as may from time to time be arranged by the relevant organs of the Union.
  • To seek and obtain legal advice and any other assistance on matters affecting the Union, protecting the rights of members on matters arising out of the relationship with their employers.
  • To co-operate with other organizations on matters of common interest with a view of taking common action when necessary or desirable.
  • To acquire either by purchase, lease or otherwise any moveable, immoveable property or other assets and to sell, let, mortgage, charge or otherwise deal with or dispose off the same.
  • To pursue any other objectives which a labour Union may legally perform in furtherance of the interest of the labour movement.

Uganda Hotels, Food, Tourism, Supermarkets & Allied Workers’ Union (HTS-Union) like any other Labour Union, exists by Articles 29 1. (e) and 40 3. (a), (b), (c) and (d) of the Contitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1995 as amended,,, and operates and functions by the Labour Unions Act, 2006 among other relevant Labour Laws. HTS-Union pursues the main objective which is to Advance, Advocate, Promote, Protect and Defend workers’ Social-Economic interests at work through representation and Collective Bargaining. To this end, the Union thereby strives to ensure job security, better terms and conditions of employment for good/harmonious industrial relations and improved productivity through social dialogue as a way to realize decent work for men and women in the tourism, hotel, food, supermarkets and allied sector. Labour Unions work in a tripatite partnership with government and employers using the Social Dialogue principle. However, HTS-Union leadership attaches remarkable value to employers as they form the basis for Union’s existance and growth. In our function as a union, we strive to promote, protect and ensure continuity of employers and their organisations/establishments.

Affiliations and networks
For purposes of strategic alliance solidarity, effective cohesion, cooperation, collaboration, coordination and networking, HTS-Union as a body corporate, is locally affiliated to the National Organisation of Trade Unions (NOTU).
HTS-Union also works in partnership and collaboration with the following organizations:
HTS-Union is also globally affiliated to the following Trade Unions Global Federations:-

Our Vision

All employees in the HTS-Union Jurisdiction working under Decent Work environment.

Our Core Values

To fully organize and represent workers. in the HTS-Union &Allied sectors to have their rights, social and economic interests effectively articulated, advocated, promoted, protected and defended by the Union.

Strategic Goal

To improve the union functional capacity to undertake its mandate to full potentialby 2027.