
General Secretary
Mauku R. Moses

HTS-Union General Information Pack, also referred to as “ HTS-Union at a glance” has been authored to provide general information about HTS-Union with an overview/insight of the main aspects and functionality of the Uganda Hotels, Food, Tourism, Supermarkets & Allied Workers’ Union (HTS-Union). The General Information Pack has been developed to make it easy for members, all stakeholders and the public to have general knowledge about HTS-Union.
I take this opportunity to greatly appreciate HTS-Union Secretariat and the National Executive Council members for their efforts towards the process to produce this Edition and the commitment to the workers’ cause in all aspects. All others including the graphic designer, Mr. Kasobya Paul of Bakham Enterprises are appreciated for their good work towards the production of this booklet. Cognisant that Labour Unions work in a tripatite partnership with government and employers using the Social Dialogue principle, HTS-Union leadership attaches remarkable significance to employers as they form the basis for Union’s existence and growth. To this end, we commit to promote, protect and ensure continuity of employers’ organisations. Appreciation to you all for your efforts and devotion towards workers’ plight and you are invited to share this information.


25+ Years Of Experience


Get to know

Organize and represent workers in the following sectors:

  • Hotels, Leisure, Restaurants, Clubs and catering.
  • Tourism, Wildlife Conservation.
  • Food Processing, Bakeries and Confectionaries
  • Janitorial, Domestic Workers, and Allied sub sectors
  • Supermarkets and Supply Chains, Food/Merchandise Delivery companies
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View Membership

membership from but not limited to; Hotels, Resorts, Lodges, Motels, Inns, Guest Houses, Restaurants, Bars, Pubs, Member Clubs, Health Clubs, Cafes, Bakeries, Confectionaries, Supermarkets, Food Processing Plants, Meat Packers, National Parks, Conservation Areas, Sanctuaries, Tour Companies, Museums, Golf Courses, Recreation Areas and Domestic Workers. (Ref: Article. 5 of the Union Constitution).

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View Agreement

Collective bargaining which is one of our core mandate as a Union, is done on a day-to-day basis. We indeed continuously engage individual and group employers in our Sector to negotiate new Collective Agreements and review existing agreements for the working terms and conditions of employment with several employers. HTS-Union has become the leading trade union in terms of securing collective agreements with employers and as negotiation experts both locally and internationally

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